Realizing the facts of “Necessity is the mother of Invention”, Eduplexus presents a world class platform that facilitates software related assistances to Institutions and academic oriented organization. Now a day, there is a need of institutional automation system that could effectively optimize the overall efficiency and productivity of the institutions. Considering these requirements, Eduplexus provides a World Class software application “EduZx” that could optimize and automate the overall institutional activities with negligible complications and user friendliness. Eduplexus provides its world’s unique approach for automating the activities with highly integrated plans and facilities so that even the institutions could feel proud to have such automation system. Eduplexus, promises to deliver end to end solution with development, customization and maintenances even in least and economical price with guaranteed satisfaction and your appreciation. The application provided by Eduplexus do facilitates online as well as offline operational facilities that do makes it moist robust in every functional circumstances.
To enquire about the array of services, kindly feel comfortable to contact on [email protected]