Considering the requirements of a global platform that could globalize the training and internships brands with their real face and facts and to provide a platform where the information about those service providers could be explored, Eduplexus presents a platform to accomplish these objectives. Here with Eduplexus, you can globalize your name and services with best presentation and unique services delivery. Eduplexus makes your name reach upto the click of every computer mouse searching for your services. On the other hand, one can explore about the information of a particular training institutions and internship organization with their real face and facts and minimum effort and complexity.
Eduplexus can route your candidature to your specific internship provider and do specify your expectations and its optimum delivery.
Eduplexus represents numerous tutors and individual service providers who do posses the MoUs and understanding of services with Eduplexus, so as to deliver a risk free and genuine training and online tuition services. Eduplexus possess world first platform that do have personal as well as professional criterion based understanding with service providers like trainers and Tutors to deliver the best service in a risk free environment. Eduplexus commits to deliver the best services economically and even with enriched and monitored quality.
To enquire about the array of services, kindly feel comfortable to contact on [email protected]