In this competitive arena it is necessary to have a technology oriented exposures like participation in workshops, presenting research and technical papers or even to participate in conferences and seminars. In spite of these, the participation in other events like sports and cultural activities makes the student well versed with their strengthening fields. Even if with such requirements today we lack a global platform that could present the events and their schedules around the globe so that more participants could be benefited. Students must cope-up with pace of the changing trends in the field of Research & Development for this Eduplexus is determined to provide them the platform to learn that changing trends by extracting the information about the latest workshops and seminars going around the globe. Eduplexus provides an across the globe search facility for all the technical and cultural activities with single click search and providing maximum user comfort. Eduplexus provides the facility for online registration, generating the hall ticket for the same. It is a standard globalization platform for the organizations and the institution provides facilities in this field. On the other hand, the organizations functional in this field could get globalized with their uniqueness and of course they might get more opportunities to serve the mass. Thus, here Eduplexus provides a world class platform to explore the events going on globally and to globalize your brand name across the globe to get better opportunities.
To enquire about the array of services, kindly feel comfortable to contact on [email protected]